Structure |
A data type that stores information about a property library entry.
struct PROPLIB_ENTRY { NAME property_name; char description[256];
// ========================================= // STATES // =========================================
// Surface property states
int s_rgb_set; int s_pattern_name_set; int s_pattern_rgb_set; int s_pattern_scale_set;
// Edge property states
int e_rgb_set; int e_width_set; int e_style_name_set;
// Shading property states
int sh_ambient_set; int sh_diffusion_set; int sh_reflectance_set; int sh_gloss_set; int sh_spectral_rgb_set; int sh_casts_a_shadow_set; int sh_opacity_set; int sh_reflection_set; int sh_reflection_blur_set;
// Texture property states
int tx_path_set; int tx_map_set; int tx_mode_set; int tx_width_set; int tx_height_set; int tx_rotation_set; int tx_horzflip_set; int tx_vertflip_set; int tx_fullfit_set;
// Text property states
int t_font_set; // If this is set, t_style is set too. int t_height_set; int t_rotation_set; int t_underscore_set; int t_overscore_set; int t_filled_set; int t_aspect_set; int t_spacing_set; int t_slant_set;
// ========================================= // DATA // =========================================
// Surface property data
RGB s_rgb; NAME s_pattern_name; RGB s_pattern_rgb; double s_pattern_scale;
// Edge property data
RGB e_rgb; USINT e_width; NAME e_style_name;
// Shading property data
int sh_ambient; int sh_diffusion; int sh_reflectance; int sh_opacity; int sh_gloss; RGB sh_spectral_rgb; int sh_casts_a_shadow; double sh_reflection; double sh_reflection_blur;
// Texture property data
char tx_path[512]; int tx_map; int tx_mode; double tx_width; double tx_height; double tx_rotation; int tx_horzflip; int tx_vertflip; int tx_fullfit;
// Text property data
char t_font[512]; USINT t_style; double t_height; double t_rotation; int t_underscore; int t_overscore; int t_filled; double t_aspect; double t_spacing; double t_slant; };
Members |
Remarks |
The property_name and description fields may be empty strings. This is the case when the PROPLIB_ENTRY structure was filled by get_bos_proplib, which reads properties directly from a BOS_NODE and not from a property library. |
See Also |
get_proplib_entry, TEXTURE_DATA for more information about texture mapping types and modes, SURFACE_NODE for more information about shading properties, TEXT_NODE for more information about text properties
Header |
ssnodes.h |