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BOOLEAN prim_facets_build_cache(OBJECT_NODE *obj, USINT32 cache_flags);



OBJECT_NODE *obj;         // A pointer to an OBJECT_NODE

USINT32     cache_flags;  // An unsigned integer value




#include "silver.h"


The prim_facets_build_cache function builds a facet-cache for an object. This can substantially increase the speed of faceting when many primitives in the same object are being faceted together.




obj is a pointer to the OBJECT_NODE to which the cache is applicable

cache_flags is reserved for future use and should be set to zero



Return Value

prim_facets_build_cache returns TRUE if the cache was built successfully, and FALSE otherwise




You must call prim_facets_free_cache when you are finished faceting primitives in the object. Only one facet cache may be active at a time, and calling build again before calling prim_facets_free_cache will destroy the previous cache. Use of the cache is optional.



See Also

prim_facets_collect, prim_facet_get, prim_facets_release, prim_facets_free_cache




The following code shows how to use a facets cache to facet every primitive of an object. The 'obj' variable is assumed to have been set to an object entity:


C / C++ Code


 #include "silver.h"

 #include "ssnodes.h"



 . . .


 OBJECT_NODE       *obj;

 PRIM_NODE         *prim;


 SS_FACET_INFO     fi;

 int               i;


 . . .


 if ( prim_facets_build_cache(obj, 0) )


    ss_command("goto block \\");

    ss_command("create object facet*");

    ss_command("pen current color light-red linestyle solid width 1");



    for (prim = obj->first_node; prim; prim = prim->next_node)


       if ( fh = prim_facets_collect(obj, prim) )


          for (i = 1; i <= prim_facets_count(fh); i++)


             if ( prim_facet_get(fh, i, &fi) )


                // Create the facet lines


                ss_command("draw line %z %z", &fi.points[0], &fi.points[1]);










 . . .