SilverScreen Solid Modeler



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int tm_extents( char *path, SS_XYZ *high, SS_XYZ *low, MATRIX tm )


char   *path;         // primitive or entity path string

SS_XYZ *high;         // address of 3D point to receive upper extents

SS_XYZ *low;          // address of 3D point to receive lower extents

MATRIX  tm;           // transformation matrix




#include "silver.h"


The tm_extents function computes the extents of the primitive or entity at path , relative to the transformation matrix tm . The upper bound of the extents is returned in high , the lower bound in low .




path is the full path name of a primitive or entity in the current drawing. high and low are both addresses of 3D points that are to receive the high and low values of the extents, respectively . tm is the address of a 4x4 array of doubles.



Return Value

If path refers to a valid entity or primitive, then the extents are computed and tm_extents returns 1; otherwise tm_extents returns 0.