An array of 3D points that make up a triangle. The triangle is formed by the lines points[0] to points[1], points[1] to points[2], and points[2] to points[0].
Three vertex normals associated with the three points in 'points' that are boundary-averaged if appropriate.
The 2D texture coordinates corresponding to 'points'.
Either 0, or a vertex number associated with each point. The vertex number references the vertex table of the parent OBJECT_NODE of the primitive being triangulated.
This is a primitive-local index corresponding to each 3D point. It is provided as a convenience, but is not tied to the OBJECT_NODE vertex tables (the way 'vertices' is).
If is_original_edge[0] is TRUE, then the points from points[0] to points[1] form a line that belongs to the primitive being triangulated. If it is FALSE, then the lined formed from points[0] to points[1] was introduced by the triangulator. is_original_edge[1] applies to the line formed from points[1] to points[2], and is_original_edge[2] applies to the line formed from points[2] to points[0].
edge_rgb[0] is an edge color for the line formed between points[0] and points[1]. edge_rgb[1] applies to the line formed from points[1] to points[2], and edge_rgb[2] applies to the line formed from points[2] to points[0].
edge_type[0] is a line width and style index for the line formed between points[0] and points[1]. edge_type[1] applies to the line formed from points[1] to points[2], and edge_type[2] applies to the line formed from points[2] to points[0].