SilverScreen Solid Modeler

BosList.FromChildren method

BosList.FromChildren method

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BosList.FromChildren method

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public static BosList FromChildren(string block_path)

public static BosList FromChildren(BLOCK_NODE block)


string block_path;   // A System.String

BLOCK_NODE block;    // A SilverSharp.BLOCK_NODE




The FromChildren methods return a BosList class that will enumerate all of the children of a block.




block_path is a string that is a SilverScreen path to a block entity

block is a SilverSharp.BLOCK_NODE whose children are to be retrieved



Return Value

FromChildren returns a BosList class




This function retrieves only the immediate children of a block entity. In the familial parlance, it will not retrieve grand children.



See Also

BosList, FromAncestors, FromDescendants




To visit all of the children of a block entity, do this:

C# Code


 using SilverSharp;


 . . .


 BosList bl = BosList.FromChildren("\\assembly\\a1\\a2\\claw");


 foreach ( BOS_NODE bos in bl )


