Object-Oriented 2D Booleans
The interactive BOOLEAN command operates solely on polygons. However there are BOOLEAN commands, not available interactively, that permit Boolean operations between objects. The formats for these commands are described below.
boolean trim objects object <path1> object <path2>
The TRIM command expects to find one or more polygons in the object at <path1> and one or more polygons in the object at <path2>. The result of the trim operation is placed in the object at <path1>. The object in <path2> is unaltered.
boolean difference objects object <path1> object <path2>
The DIFFERENCE command is identical with the TRIM command except that the object in <path2> is purged at the completion of the operation.
boolean intersection objects object <path1> object <path2>
The INTERSECTION command expects a single polygon in the object at <path1> and one or more polygons in the object at <path2>. The result of the trim operation is placed in the object at <path1>. The object in <path2> is purged at the completion of the operation.