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double atof( char *s )


char *s;      /* string to be converted */





#include "stdlib.h"


The atof function returns the value of an ASCII text string representation of a floating point number. atof stops reading the input string at the first character that it cannot recognize as part of a number.




s should be a null-terminated string with the following format:


     [whitespace][sign][digits][.digits][{e | E}[sign]digits]


where [whitespace] is a sequence of tab or space characters, [sign] is either plus ('+') or minus ('-'), and [digits] is one or more decimal digits.



Return Value

If s is empty, or no digits are found, or if the only digits found are in the exponent (i.e. following the e or E), then atof returns 0. If the result cannot be represented, then the return value is undefined.



See Also

atoi , atol , strtod