SilverScreen Solid Modeler

FromColor method

FromColor method

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FromColor method

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static SS_RGB FromColor(System.Windows.Media.Color clr);


System.Windows.Media.Color clr;  // A System.Windows.Media.Color instance





using SilverSharp;


The FromColor method creates a SilverSharp.SS_RGB object from a System.Windows.Media.Color object.




clr is a System.Windows.Media.Color object used to initialize the SilverSharp.SS_RGB object.



Return Value

FromColor returns a SilverSharp.SS_RGB object




This method is most useful with WPF applications



See Also

SS_RGB, ToColor




The following code creates a SilverSharp.SS_RGB object from a WPF color and uses it to set the current background color:


C# Code for WPF


 using SilverSharp;

 using System.Windows.Media;


 . . .


 SS_RGB bg = SS_RGB.FromColor(Colors.DeepSkyBlue);


 SC.ss_command("paint background color {0}", bg);



Note: The ToString method is implied in the above code