SilverScreen Solid Modeler

PrimList.FromChildren method

PrimList.FromChildren method

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PrimList.FromChildren method

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public static PrimList FromChildren ( string obj_path )

public static PrimList FromChildren ( OBJECT_NODE obj )


string      obj_path;   // A System.String

OBJECT_NODE obj;        // A SilverSharp.OBJECT_NODE data type




The PrimList.FromChildren methods  return a PrimList object that will enumerate all of the primitives of an object entity.




obj_path is a string that contains a SilverScreen path to the object whose primitives are to be enumerated


obj is a SilverSharp.OBJECT_NODE handle to the object whose primitives are to be enumerated



Return Value

FromChildren returns a PrimList class




This function retrieves every child of an object entity, but will not delve into children of primitives that serve as containers (such as POLYGON_NODEs).



See Also

PrimList, FromPgroup




To visit all the children of an object entity, do this:


C# Code


 using SilverSharp;


 . . .


 PrimList pl = PrimList.FromChildren("\\assembly\\a1\\a2\\claw\\claw1");


 foreach ( PRIM_NODE prim in pl )






To visit all the children of a polygon primitive, do this:

C# Code


 using SilverSharp;


 . . .


 POLYGON_NODE poly = get_prim("\\base.2");


 foreach ( PRIM_NODE prim in poly.Children )

