SilverScreen Solid Modeler

MessageAreaConfigure Event

MessageAreaConfigure Event

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MessageAreaConfigure Event

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The MessageAreaConfigure Event



The MessageAreaConfigure event is raised whenever SilverSharp wishes to create or destroy a message area. A message area is created or destroyed in response to the SilverScreen API routine message_area_configure.




The MessageAreaConfigure delegate is declared as follows:


C# Code


delegate void MessageAreaConfigureEventHandler(int lines, SS_RGB bg_rgb);


int    lines;  // The number of message area lines

SS_RGB bg_rgb; // The background color of the message area



A delegate is similar to a C/C++ function pointer, but delegates are type-safe and can only refer to a method that matches the signature of the delegate. The MessageAreaConfigure delegate declares a function signature that must be used when installing an event handler for the MessageAreaConfigure event.




The MessageAreaConfigure event is declared within Events as follows:


C# Code


static event MessageAreaConfigureEventHandler MessageAreaConfigure;



MessageAreaConfigure allows your application to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the MessageAreaConfigure event.



Raise method

The method to raise the MessageAreaConfigure event is declared within Events as follows:


C# Code


static void RaiseMessageAreaConfigure(int lines, SS_RGB bg_rgb);


int    lines;  // The number of message area lines

SS_RGB bg_rgb; // The background color of the message area



The SilverSharp assembly will automatically raise the MessageAreaConfigure event when a message area needs to be created or destroyed. It would not be typical for a SilverSharp application to raise the event itself.




It is not necessary for a SilverSharp application to establish a handler for the MessageAreaConfigure event, but you must do so if you wish to call SilverScreen API routines that work with a message area.



See Also

Events, set_message_area_configure_handler, message_area_configure



The following code shows a sample MessageAreaConfigure event handler. The implementation of DestroyMessageArea and CreateMessageArea is not shown. Note that the method declaration must match the delegate for this event in parameters and return type:


C# Code


using SilverSharp;


. . .


void OnMessageAreaConfigure(int line, SS_RGB bg_rgb)




  if ( lines > 0 )

     CreateMessageArea(lines, bg_rgb);




The following example shows how to subscribe to the MessageAreaConfigure event, assigning the above handler:


C# Code


Events.MessageAreaConfigure +=

  new MessageAreaConfigureEventHandler(OnMessageAreaConfigure);




The following example shows how to unsubscribe from the MessageAreaConfigure event, removing the above handler:



C# Code


Events.MessageAreaConfigure -=

  new MessageAreaConfigureEventHandler(OnMessageAreaConfigure);