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BOOLEAN scriptwin_resize( int handle, SWInitStruct *swi )


int          handle;  // A script window handle returned via scriptwin_open

SWInitStruct *swi;    // A pointer to an SWInitStruct data type




#include "silver.h"


The scriptwin_resize function resizes a script window in response to a change in host window-or-bitmap dimensions.



handle is a script window handle that was returned by scriptwin_open


swi is a pointer to an SWInitStruct that was used in a call to scriptwin_open, and whose width, height, and hbmp fields are relevant for the new window dimensions.


Return Value

scriptwin_resize returns TRUE if the script window was successfully resized and FALSE otherwise.



Script windows are exclusive to the SilverPlus and SilverEngine platforms.


If a script window is associated with a Win32 window and it receives a WM_SIZE message, then the script window will need to be notified via a call to scriptwin_resize. If a script window is associated with a Win32 bitmap handle and the bitmap changes in size, then the script window will need to be notified via a call to scriptwin_resize.


See Also

scriptwin_open, scriptwin_close, scriptwin_execute



See the ScriptWin SilverPlus sample application for an example.