Creating a SilverPlus entry point |
Once a SilverPlus DLL has a framework that will allow it to be invoked from a SilverC stub, it is only necessary to make the DLL perform work. That can be achieved by letting a user-defined operation code to the SilverPlus entry point trigger the work. A user-defined operation code is a code whose value is REX_USER_BASE or greater.
The skeleton we created for the entry point earlier in this chapter will be modified to perform work. Specifically, it will display a simple question, wait for an answer, and then exit. If the answer to the question was yes, then 1 will be returned and otherwise 0 will be returned.
If you have been following the topics in this chapter in order, then you are at the point where you can create a SilverPlus DLL and make it perform a task using the SilverScreen API. The next topic in this chapter shows you how to create the SilverC stub necessary to load the DLL and make it perform the work.