SilverScreen Solid Modeler

Interactive Drawing Commands

Interactive Drawing Commands

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Interactive Drawing Commands

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IDRAW Command (Interactive Drawing)


All of the interactive drawing commands can be invoked with the IDRAW command. Here are the most common formats for the command:




 idraw arc {angles|chord|points}

 idraw bezier {closed|open} {single|double}

 idraw circle {diameter|radius points}

 idraw donut {diameter|radius} between <distance>

 idraw ellipse

 idraw hole <type of hole> <primitive path>

 idraw lines {single|multiple}

 idraw polygon {common|isosceles|quad|rectangle|triangle}

 idraw polygon equilateral <sides> {edge vertex}

 idraw polygon linear {center|left|right} <width>

 idraw polygon star <points> radius <radius>

 idraw polygon wedge {angles|chord|points}

 idraw point common

 idraw point {triad|xy-plane|yz_plane|zx-plane} length <length>

 idraw polyline

 idraw spline {open|closed}




Since the user has the opportunity to escape from any of these com­mands, a program must be able to detect whether the user successfully completed the task. Here is one strategy for accomplishing this: create a new (empty) object; IDRAW; check to see if the object is empty. The code might appear similar to the following example:


C / C++ Code




 ss_command ( "goto root" );

 ss_command ( "create object temp#" );

 ss_command ( "idraw polygon common" );

 obj = (OBJECT_NODE *)get_bos (“\\temp#”);


 if ( obj->first_prim )

    ss_command ( "note The polygon was sucessfully drawn" );


    ss_command ( "note The user aborted the drawing process" );