SilverScreen Solid Modeler

Window Subclassing

Window Subclassing

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Window Subclassing

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Window Subclassing


In Windows, the technique of window subclassing is used to intercept and perhaps filter Windows messages before they arrive at a particular window. When you subclass a Windows window, you are placing a new window procedure at the head of a chain of window procedures for that window.


SilverEngine was designed to intercept some messages routed to the main application window and this is achieved via the SilverEngine API routine engine_set_frame_window.


If your application will perform interactive drawing or prompting, then it must also provide an active view window via the SilverEngine API routines sdc_open, sdc_goto, and sdc_close.


The SilverEngine sample EngineShell included in the developer's distribution provides an example of how to go about establishing a main application window and an active view window for use by SilverEngine.